• As a [resident of your city/town], I want to make sure that my local police department is taking the necessary preventative measures to ensure that incidents like this will not occur in the future. So I ask:

  • Are the police officers in the [City/Town Police Department] being trained to de-escalate altercations by using peaceful conflict resolution strategies?

  • Are the police officers in the [City/Town Police Department] forbidden from using carotid restraints (chokeholds, strangleholds, etc.) and hog-tying methods? Furthermore, are they forbidden from transporting civilians in uncomfortable positions, such as face down in a vehicle?

  • Are the police officers in the [City/Town Police Department] required to intervene if they witness another officer using excessive force? Will officers be reprimanded if they fail to intervene?

  • Are the police officers in the [City/Town Police Department] forbidden from shooting at moving vehicles?

  • Is there a clear and enforced use-of-force continuum that details what weapons and force are acceptable in a wide variety of civilian-police interactions?

  • Are the officers in the [City/Town Police Department] required to exhaust every other possible option before using excessive force?

  • Are the officers in the [City/Town Police Department] required to give a verbal warning to civilians before drawing their weapon or using excessive force?

  • Are the officers in the [City/Town Police Department] required to report each time they threaten to or use force on civilians?

  • Are the officers in the [City/Town Police Department] thoroughly vetted to ensure that they do not have a history with abuse, racism, xenophobia, homophobia / transphobia, or discrimination?

  • Are the officers in the [City/Town Police Department] trained to perform and seek necessary medical action after using excessive force?

  • Is there an early intervention system enforced to correct officers who use excessive force? Additionally, how many complaints does an officer have to receive before they are reprimanded? Before they are terminated? More than three complaints are unacceptable.